Use the instructions below to download the Employee Roster, Employee Progress Report, Employee “Renew Training” Report, and Employee “Certificate Archive” Report.  The reports/rosters all have valuable information pertaining to the sexual harassment training record keeping requirements of your state.  Keep a copy of these reports, in the event that you are ever asked to produce them to a state agency.

Employee List

The “Employee List” report, contains all employees that have been added to your account.  The report contains the employee’s name, email address, course they are currently registered for, date added, and other information.


  1.   Login to your account at:
  2.   On the side bar menu, hover your mouse over “Employees”, select “Employee List”.

3.  On the next screen, select “ALL” from the drop down menu.  This will display “All” employees in your account.  Next, Select “Download”.  This will download an excel file of the report.

Employee Progress Report

The “Employee Progress” report contains the current course status for all employees that have a course assigned to them.  The report will show the employee’s name, employee’s email address, course title, course completion (Yes or No), option to download the course completion certificate (green button “Download”), course start and end date, as well as other information.  This report/roster, will sever as proof the employee has completed the course for the state agency.


  1.  On the side bar menu, hover your mouse over “Employees”, select “Employee Progress Report”.

2.  On the next screen, select “ALL” from the drop down menu.  This will display “All” employees in your account that are currently registered for a course.  Next, Select “Download”.  This will download an excel file of the report for your records.

Renew Training Report

The “Renew Training” report contains a list of all employees that have completed the assigned training and the date that they are required to renew their training.  The report contains the employee’s name, employee’s email address, assigned course, and expiration date of the employee’s current certificate.

  1. On the side bar menu, hover your mouse over “Employees”, select “Renew Training”.

2.  On the next screen, select “ALL” from the drop down menu.  This will display “All” employees in your account that have completed a course and contains their most current certificate expiration date.  Next, Select “Download”.  This will download an excel file of the report for your records.

Certificate Archives Report

The “Certificate Archives” report contains all expired certificates.  The report contains the employee’s name, employee’s email address, title of the course taken, and date the course was completed.

  1. On the side bar menu, hover your mouse over “Employees”, select “Certificate Archives”.

2.  On the next screen, select “ALL” from the drop down menu. This will display “All” employees in your account that have archived/expired certificates.  Next, Select “Download”.  This will download an excel file of the report for your records.

Download Employee Certificates

To download the certificates follow the instructions below.
1. Log into your account at:
2. Enter your username and password
3. Select “Employee Progress Report” from the dashboard menu
4. For each employee that has completed the course, you can select the green “Download” button.

If you need further assistance, please contact us at